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Invest in real estate in Dubai at a very low price with Binghatti

Guillaume Giroux on November 18, 2021

The real estate developer Binghatti has approached Dubai Immo during November 2021 in order to propose its offer to the French and European customers. For its customers, Dubai Immo has negotiated exceptional offers, in order to allow the greatest number to invest in real estate in Dubai.

The program that Binghatti is offering to French investors is located in the Jumeirah Village Circle area, which is very popular with French investors who generate excellent rental returns. A special offer has been put in place for Dubai Immo clients only, who will be able to benefit from an absolutely incredible price. The program is currently under construction and delivery is scheduled for the end of 2022.

Rose Binghatti, unbeatable price at JVC

Through Dubai Immo, you can buy a 1 bedroom apartment (2 rooms) from €120,000. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments are available, and the payment plan is flexible. It will be possible to arrange the payment plan, which is divided between the construction phase and the delivery of the apartment. No payment after the delivery of the keys on this program due to the ultra-competitive prices. The minimum surface of the apartments in this program is 65m2 .

How to buy an apartment under these conditions?

Contact the Dubai Immo agency on its free French number +33 7 56 82 82 73 or on the local line +971 56 367 2667. You will receive all the information about this program and the precise conditions of financing, as well as the availability. If you are already in contact with a Dubai Immo agent, do not hesitate to contact him/her!

The Dubai Immo team

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Founder and Director of Dubai Immo
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